Quote: In these chapters, we learn the history of the Jaredites. They contain just one doctrinal discourse, but they do teach solemn admonitions about the evils of wickedness, immorality, idolatry, political strife, power struggles, secret oaths, violence, failing to heed prophetic warnings, and refusing to repent, and thus these chapters are relevant today, even though they come from a very different time and place. (Inspirations and Insights from the Book of Mormon. John W. Welch pg. 295)
Quote: The narratives of the Jaredites and Lehi’s family crossing the ocean in their vessels share similar conditions and outcomes, yet the tales themselves serve two separate purposes. The Jaredite record states that the Lord God caused furious winds, and that the people were “tossed upon the waves of the sea” as their vessels were pushed forward to the Promised Land. By contrast, we know that disobedience caused the great storm on the voyage of Lehi’s family to the Promised Land. In other words, it was not an easy voyage – they had their trials, but they ultimately made it to their desired destination. In both narratives, the people were traveling to their promised land for the same general purpose. In one scenario, the Lord provided the tempest that pushed the Jaredites toward the Promised Land. Those people were allowed to learn and grow through trials and tribulations – not of their making – along the journey. In the other scenario, the disobedient choices of a few caused unnecessary delay and difficulty for everyone aboard the ship.
We can metaphorically apply this situation to ourselves. When we face trials, tribulation, or trauma, it may be for a greater purpose. We may undergo difficult experiences to reach our desired destination. We can also slow our own progress through haughtiness and disobedience. (Inspirations and Insights from the Book of Mormon. John W. Welch pg. 296)
Quote: Among the Jaredites, the people were brought unto repentance when the king protected the prophets. In contrast, when a later king did not protect the prophets, the people hardened their hearts and did reject all the words of the prophets, with the result that the Spirit of the Lord ceased striving with them, and Satan had full power over the hearts of the people. They then reached the fulness of iniquity, which brought down upon the fulness of the wrath of God. (Merrill, “They Wrote to us As If We Were Present,” 15).
Quote: Why did the Jaredite people reject the prophets? The Jaredites followed a pattern of prophetic rejection evident in all ages. The Jaredites would say with the corrupt Ahab, “I hate the prophet Micaiah; for he never prophesied good unto me, but always prophesied evil.” That kind of hate for a prophet’s honesty cost Abinadi his life. As he said to King Noah: “Because I have told you the truth ye are angry with me…Because I have spoken the word of God ye have judged me that I am mad or, we might add, provincial, patriarchal, bigoted, unkind, narrow, outmoded, and elderly. (Holland, “Cost and Blessings of Discipleship”, 7)
Quote: The experiences of Emer are some of the most promising moments in these chapters of rampant wickedness among the Jaredites. As a very righteous leader of his people, Emer was privileged to have the veil parted and see the Lord Himself….Moroni may have desired to show us through Emer that not only righteousness but perfect faith is possible in a world sandwiched in on all sides by wickedness. (Judd, “Jaredite Zion Societies,” 150).
Quote: Shortly after my call as a new General Authority, I had the privilege to accompany President James E. Faust for a stake reorganization. As I drove the car to our assignment in beautiful Southern Utah, President Faust was kind enough to use the time to instruct and teach me. One lesson I will never forget. Said he, “The members of the Church are gracious to the General Authorities. They will treat you kindly and say nice things about you.” Then he briefly paused and said, “Dieter, always be thankful for this, but don’t you ever inhale it.” This important lesson about Church service applies to every priesthood holder in every quorum of the Church. It applies to all of us in this Church.
To be effective Church leaders, we must learn this critical lesson: Leadership in the Church is not so much about directing others as it is about our willingness to be directed by God.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to serve the Lord, but when we seek to gain influence in the Church for our own sake—in order to receive the praise and admiration of men—we have our reward. When we “inhale” the praise of others, that praise will be our compensation. (The Greatest Among You, Uchtdorf. Ensign April 2017)
Quote: Moroni may have been inspired (or sobered) by the failure of Ether to stem the tide of destruction and mutual annihilation of the warring Jaredite factions. Ether had cried repentance from morning until night, but without success. He had prophesied many things, which people did not believe. This caused Moroni to ponder, why would they not believe? Why had his own people failed to believe? In response to his musings, Moroni was inspired to write about faith. He wants to show the whole world that “faith is things which are hoped for and not seen,” and that people “receive no witness until the trial of their faith. (Inspirations and Insights from the Book of Mormon. John W. Welch pg. 302)
Quote: The scriptures link three words powerfully together: faith, hope, and charity. The gift of hope is a priceless endowment from God. The word hope is used for many things we want to have happen. For example, “I hope it won’t rain,” or “I hope our team wins. My intent is to speak of our sacred and eternal hopes centered in Jesus Christ and the restored gospel and our confident expectations of the promised blessings of righteousness.
As we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, we see beyond our struggles to the blessings and promises of eternity. Like a light whose brilliance grows, hope brightens the darkened world, and we see our glorious future.
Just as the Holy Ghost brought hope to Adam, the power of the Lord’s Spirit enlightens the faithful today, illuminating the reality of eternal life.
The Savior sends us a Comforter, the Holy Ghost, a companion bringing faith, hope, and peace “not as the world giveth.”
We feel the Lord’s approval for our meek willingness, and we await the promised peace the Lord will send in His chosen timing.
The Apostle Paul taught, “The God of hope [will] fill you with … joy and peace … , that ye may abound in hope,” “rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation;” “through the power of the Holy Ghost.” .
My brothers and sisters, hope is a living gift, a gift that grows as we increase our faith in Jesus Christ.
To fortify our hope in a time of increasing wickedness, the Lord has directed His prophet to dot the earth with His temples.
As we enter the Lord’s house, we feel the Spirit of God, verifying our hope.
There is no pain, no sickness, no injustice, no suffering, nothing that can darken our hope as we believe and hold tightly to our covenants with God in the house of the Lord. It is a house of light, a house of hope.
Brothers and sisters, the peace you seek may not come as quickly as you desire, but I promise you that as you trust in the Lord, His peace will come. I testify that our hope is our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the God of hope—the triumph of hope. . (The Triumph of Hope. Anderson. Liahona November 2024.)
The “Why?” of Ether
Quote: As Moroni wrote, “it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you … that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men” (Ether 8:23, 26).