Merry Christmas! Class will resume on January 5, 2022. We will study the Come Follow Me schedule.
Matthew 1; Luke 1
The answer to your query is found in the first chapter of the writings of the prophet Zachariah. There he explains that his prophecy and visions were focused on the reestablishment of the city of Jerusalem in his own time (520-518 BCE). This was near the end of the first exile, that is after the destruction of the first Temple (586 BCE), and at the end of their exile in Babylon.
A bit of history: Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of Babylon, conquered Judea/Israel - similar in sentiment and brutality to the terrorist Vladimir Putin in our time; Jerusalem was sacked, the usual and customary horrors were meted out to women and children, the Temple was reduced to rubble, and the surviving wealthy and intellectual population was carried off to Babylon, leaving behind peasants and rabble. In short order, the Babylonians got their comeuppance when the Persians overran them, and were amicable to the Jewish exiles. Persian monarchs were seriously concerned about the welfare of the land of Israel, because without the Jewish people in situ, the untended land had become nearly completely desert wilderness, gangs were roaming the land and – most importantly – the new Persian landlords could not collect taxes from the myriad caravans which traversed that narrow span of land with spices and silks from the Far East, nor from merchant ships that docked at the ports. So they dispatched many of the Jews back to Israel, with funding and protective cavalry, to rebuild the cities. As incentive they encouraged the reestablishment of Jerusalem as the capital and the rebuilding of the Temple (ushering in the second 500-year kingdom in what became known as the Second Temple Times). Zachariah was livid that the returning people weren't taking their job of reestablishing Jerusalem as the capital and rebuilding the Temple with the same urgent zeal that he felt. It was in that social/historical/political setting that he raged against the slackers, promising that all was going to be ok if they threw themselves with full vigor into "G-d's" work; G-d would look favorably on them and the Kingdom would flourish.
This was in the few years around 520 before the common era (BCE). He had neither concern nor concept of things to occur over 500 years later: he was a politically astute man with a current, urgent mission from G-d.
A famous priest and scribe who brought back part of the exiles from captivity (Ezra 7–10; Neh. 8; 12). The object of his mission was “to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.” In 458 B.C. he obtained from Artaxerxes an important edict (Ezra 7:12–26) allowing him to take to Jerusalem any Jewish exiles who cared to go, along with offerings for the temple with which he was entrusted, and giving to the Jews various rights and privileges.
Religious values in the book of Ezra are found in the teaching that (1) the promises of the Lord through His prophets shall all be fulfilled (Ezra 1:1; see also Jer. 25:13; 29:10; D&C 1:37–38; 5:20); (2) discipline and patience are born of disappointment, as one expectation after another was frustrated; (3) there is eternal significance in everyday life; (4) preparation is needed for the rule of Messiah, the law being the schoolmaster to bring men to Christ.
Bible Dictionary
“A Jew (either a Levite or of the tribe of Judah) who held the important office of “cupbearer” at the court of Artaxerxes, from whom he obtained a royal commission authorizing him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The book of Nehemiah (which is a continuation of Ezra, the two being regarded by the Jews as forming one book) contains an account of the progress and difficulties of the work and its final completion.”
Bible Dictionary
“Malachi’s revelation drew a stark contrast between those who are humble and receptive to the Lord’s will and those who are not. Some speak against God, find no value in doing his will, and even question his justice. But those who revere the Lord can rejoice that their righteousness is recorded in God’s ‘book of remembrance.’ Their reward is sure, ‘They shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.’ The relevance of this section of Malachi to Jesus’ audience seems clear. Those who did not trust the prophetic announcements of his coming—and thus did not prepare—were cut off. Yet those who were faithful enjoyed the Savior’s presence, even then. Later Jesus rejoiced that they would not be lost.” (3 Nephi 27:30-31)
Kent P. Jackson, Studies in Scripture, Volume 8
“I restore you unto your fathers and your fathers unto you”
“That bestowal language changes the way I read Malachi 4, 5 and 6 as this is what God wants to give me. God wants to bestow upon me a heart that turns to my fathers. That word restore is important because it suggests that my heart was there once. I once had my heart turned unto the fathers.”
“to return the hearts of the fathers to the children and restore the tribes of Jacob.”
“From this author we have a completely different understanding that branches out. This is not just a lineal line of these turning of hearts. But there is also this idea of restoring the tribes of Jacob, the gathering of scattered Israel. We know how important that phrase is when it comes to the resorted gospel. And especially in our day with President Nelson where there is nothing more important happening in the earth today than the gathering of scattered Israel. We have this text within a temple context talking about restoring the tribes.”
Josh Matson, The Scriptures Are Real Podcast