April 5 Exodus 7-13
“The word Exodus is derived from the Greek Exodos, the name given to the book by those who translated the Septuagint. Exodus means exit or depart. In Hebrew the book is named after its first two words we’elleh Shemoth (and these are the names of). Exodus was not meant to exist separately, but was thought of as a continuation of a narrative that began in Genesis and was completed in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Exodus lays a foundation theology in which God reveals his name, his attributes, his redemption, his law and how he is to be worshiped. It also appoints Moses as the mediator of the Sinaitic covenant, describes the beginnings of the priesthood in Israel, defines the role of the prophet and relates how the ancient covenant relationship between God and his people came under a new administration.
Profound insights into the nature of God are found. The focus of these texts is on the fact and importance of his presence with his people. Emphasis is also placed on his attributes of justice, truthfulness, mercy, faithfulness and holiness. Thus to know God’s name is to know him and his character.”
NIV Study Bible, pg. 96-98
“Our focus now shifts to the period after the end of the book of Genesis. The question is no longer “Who will inherit the mantle of this ancestry?” It is “What will become of the descendants of these ancestors?” Some things have not changed since the days of Genesis. The descendants live in families and center their political organization and power in the family. As a result, women continue to demonstrate considerable ability to influence events. But with the national emphasis of the book of Exodus, it becomes clear that choices made by women in the course of their domestic lives determine the destiny of the entire people. Acting in their routine roles as midwives, mothers, daughters, and wives, women become the saviors of early Israel and bring on the redemption from Egypt.”
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible (p. 24). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
“We get more names, the names of two of the midwives, Shiphrah and Puah. Shiphrah means brightness. And Puah, it literally means to glitter, light, stars. They're symbols of creation.
So, Shiphrah and Puah, in my thoughts are representatives of Hava, of Eve. This is the same garden story that is translating throughout time.
In our Latter-day Saints' storyline, we have Eve as kind of the hero of the Eden story. She's going to figure out what she's supposed to do here. And so, you have these same women doing that. They defied that serpent. (Pharaoh)”
Anthony Rivera, Follow Him Podcast
“And so Moses is born, and saved to be reborn, by the collaboration of this triad of daughters, who begin the redemption of Israel. The Bible records the name of Moses’ mother, Yochebed, and his sister Miriam, and midrash adds the name ‘Bithya’ for the daughter of Pharaoh. But none of them is named in this story, for like the anonymous daughters of the book of Judges, they are archetypal. They are daughters, women, the very ones overlooked by both Pharaoh and the tradition that remembered the names of only the men who came to Egypt. Three subversive daughters have foiled the plans of men and shaped the destiny of the world.”
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible (p. 28). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
“The story, the language used to relate it, and its themes are highly cryptic, and even in biblical times this story was not understood, for the narrator of the last line is trying to puzzle it out, identifying Zipporah’s statement with mulôt, most probably circumcision. But within the enigma, the figure of Zipporah is decisive and clear. She understands what is happening, knows what to do, averts the doom, and rescues Moses. Zipporah acts to prevent a killing. In this experience of the frightening aspect of divine power, Moses’ wife grows into a savior. She becomes a surrogate parent, protecting Moses as well as her children. Moses’ Israelite ‘biological’ mother and his Egyptian ‘foster’ mother are now joined in a triad of saviors by this Midianite ‘ritual’ mother. Now Moses will turn from being the rescued to the rescuer, from the saved to the savior.”
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible (p. 32). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
“The stories of the great women of the Exodus show the true meaning of the Midrashic proverb ‘Because of the righteous women of that generation, Israel was redeemed from Egypt.’ These women were proactive and assertive even while the men were passive, reactive, or absent. They continued to function strongly and decisively even in conditions of dire oppression. And they stood up to overwhelming power. Political power, paternal power, even divine power all failed to deter these women. What enabled them to act in the face of overwhelming odds? Ironically, the empowering element may be their habitual disempowerment. Women have usually (if not always) been in subordinate positions, subservient to and sometimes even subjugated by the men in their lives. As a result, external oppression did not change their lives in fundamental ways. Certainly oppression intensified their suffering, but it did not turn their experience of reality upside down. Because women have rarely had autonomy, negotiating with authority has been their normal mode of existence. Women are used to ignoring outside events and regulations, used to maneuvering through the system to follow personal imperatives: helping their husbands, protecting their children, and being loyal to their God.”
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible (p. 32). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
“In Hebrew, it says that she called his name Mosheh. She called his name Mosheh because she drew him out of the water. Now, the word for drawing out of the water is the same word, mashah. So, it says, ‘I called him Mosheh because mashah, I drew him out of the water.’ Now, that's the Hebrew perspective because we know him as Moses, not Mosheh. In the Christian world or in the English Bible, they translated it Moses, not Mosheh.
The children of the pharaoh especially the kings had to be born of a certain god in order to be the son of god. So, you have different gods. You have the god Tut, the god Amun, the god Ra. So, they would name the kings after these gods, begotten of Ra, Ra-Moses. Moses means begotten of. Tut-Moses, begotten of Tut, the god Tut. Ah-Moses, begotten of Amun. So, Moses means begotten of.
They don't know where this one came from. So, instead of saying that he was begotten of a god, the daughter of Pharaoh an Egyptian just called him Moses, begotten of question mark. He's the Nile baby, the mystery baby.”
Anthony Rivera, Hebrew Scholar, Follow Him Podcast
“Once he does that [removes his shoes] and he stands before this God, that he only knows is the God of the mountain, the God of Jethro, and I'm sure over time Jethro was instructing him, preparing him. So here in verse six comes the famous introduction. This isn't the official introduction that God wants Moses to tell Israel, this introduction in verse six is just for Moses. This is going to connect the dots now, back to where we left off with in Canaan.
He said, I am the God of thy Father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. In Hebrew, he uses a pronoun. Now in English, we get this all mixed up, the I AMs. Here in this verse six, God is using a personal pronoun, not the verb. So this isn't the same as what he's going to say later, to tell Israel, this is as if they've known each other for a long time. This is personal, this is friendship. He says, ‘ anoki elohe abika.’ He says, ‘I, me, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.’ So he's trying to help Moses put into context who he really is and who he has been all along.
He says [when instructing Moses about the Israelites], ‘Tell them that. I am the one who promised Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Israel who is going to not only deliver you from bondage, physically, but from the bondage of sin, eternally. I am the one who will be.’”
Anthony Rivera, Follow Him Podcast
Following are the insights you found in reading about the life of Moses. Thank you, Kim for being our scribe.
1. Do we learn anything more about Moses through his conversations with Jehovah?
We need to be prepared to talk to God—Moses wasn’t casual.
“I am not the person you think I am.” Doubt, insecurity of Moses.
Terrified of assignment
He wasn’t afraid to ask or question God
2. What does Moses learn about Jehovah through these conversations?
That we have to do hard things—we are tasked with great work.
God told Moses who He was.
This was Holy ground - don’t bring the world into this place - similar to our holy temple
That God will be with him
Jehovah gives Moses the vision of what is coming
That God will lead Moses back through difficult traumatic experiences
I AM THE GOD - the Being of God - the One that is coming
I will send you with My Power
I AM is important - I will always be with you
Remind others (Israelites, Pharaoh) of God’s power
God understand how to speak our language - symbolic nature of His power - Three items: staff, leprosy, water on ground
I will redeem you - I will tutor you
3. Do we learn anything about our own communication with God from these scriptures?
We need to pay attention to what God is telling us.
Heavenly Father hears us.
Whom God calls he qualifies
We need to have more confidence that God will help us
Exercise faith that our Lord Jesus Christ will help us—that it isn’t all on our shoulders