Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Genesis 1-3; Moses 2-4; Abraham 4-5


Genesis 4-5; Moses 5-7

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The New International Version Study Bible

AUTHOR: Moses           

AUDIENCE: God’s chosen people, the Israelites.

DATE: Between 1446 and 1406 BC

THEME: God creates the world, and after the world falls into sin, he enters into a special relationship with the people through whom he promises to bring redemption.


“I think what He's trying to do is explain who He is, what His nature is, explain who people are, our relationship to each other, how do we relate to God and what's our purpose here on earth. Those are the doctrines that Genesis 1 is trying to teach and it succeeds beautifully. It does its job.

For the authors of Genesis, these stories are really written as a prologue to the main story. The one they're really interested in, which is the story of Israel. That's where they're excited to get to. That's why there are so many chapters on Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Rachel, Leah, Bilhah, and Zilpah. That's the real story, is Israel. So all this stuff here for all the attention and the interest that we in the modern world have with these early chapters, they're not spending a lot of time here nor do they go back and talk about it a lot.”

Dr. Joshua Sears, Follow Him Podcast


“I think it's interesting that these rivers are flowing out of Eden and going to these places bringing life and blessedness from Eden out into the world. And maybe it's not a coincidence that these are all places where the Israelites are going to end up enslaved, in captivity, Egypt and Babylon are right there. This is one of many links in these creation stories to the story of the House of Israel later.”

Dr. Joshua Sears, Follow Him Podcast


Genesis 1:26- 27 Genesis 2: 7, 21-22 Moses 3: 7 and 18, 21-22 Abraham 5: 7, 14-16


“While the text offers detailed information about the mechanics of Eve's creation, it is silent about what these details signify, particularly as they pertain to the nature and role of Eve. Does Eve's secondary creation, for instance, denote inferiority? Or, does being created last make her the crowning glory of God's creation? Does being formed from man's rib mean the woman is derivative and thus subordinate to him? Or does it indicate a relationship of intimacy and mutuality between the man and the woman?”

The Gospel According to Eve, A History of Women’s Interpretation, Amanda W. Benckhuysen


“What does it mean that man and woman are created in the image and likeness of God? Do the man and the woman image God in rationality, moral sensibility, creativity, dominion, or some combination of these? Do they image God as man and woman together or as individuals? Do they equally bear the image of God or does man image God in a way that woman does not (see 1 Cor 11:7 -12)? And to what extent, if any, was the image of God in human beings lost after Adam and Eve's disobedience? Again, how one answers these questions affects one's understanding of human beings.”

The Gospel According to Eve, A History of Women’s Interpretation, Amanda W. Benckhuysen


‘Genesis 2:18 says God made for Adam an ezer k’negdo (an phrase which means a helpmate opposite or against him); but the word ezer connotes strength and is usually used in reference to God’s power to help (Psalms 33:20, 70:6, 115:9 and 146:5); so a better understanding of the term is that woman was created to be a parallel helpful force equal to man.”

"The rabbis further taught that the term ezer k’negdo was used to teach that when her husband was right, his wife would be there to support him with her strength.... and when her husband was wrong she would be there with her strength to oppose or restrain him. . . Of course, if a husband does not treat his wife with respect, she may still be his help mate but she will not be his blessing. The Rabbis were cognizant that many husbands disrespected their wives and expounded: “I will make a fitting helper [beside or a restraint] for him”: If he merited, she is a helper; and if not, she should restrain him.’

“Now, isn't that interesting? Part of being a support to one's husband is to oppose him when he is wrong. You try to prevent him from stumbling into the ditch. You don't collude with him in evil, or in laziness, or in hypocrisy. That is actually a deep form of love. That is the way God loves us. God supports us in all our righteous endeavors, and God hedges up our way when we begin to walk amiss.”

V. Hudson, https://www.squaretwo.org/ldcrone/Post12_28_2021.html


1. What was the motive?

2. Who was present when Eve ate the fruit? 

3. Who was given the commandment?

4. Who is to blame?


“Rather curiously, Jerome omits from the Vulgate [the Latin translation] the phrase "who was with her" in Genesis 3:6, making Eve doubly culpable for the fall and responsible for Adam's sin. By implying Adam's absence during the serpent conversation with Eve, the Vulgate portrays Eve as the seduced who becomesthe seducer, beguiling a naive Adam to eat the forbidden fruit".

The Gospel According to Eve, A History of Women’s Interpretation, Amanda W. Benckhuysen

“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”

NIV Study Bible, pg. 17, Genesis 3: 6


“We need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother Eve.” 

President Russell M. Nelson, “A Plea to My Sisters, October 2015

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Moses 1; Abraham 3

Genesis 1-4; Moses 2-5; Abraham 4-5

“All of the other standard works, the New Testament included, are built upon the spiritual history and tradition recorded in the Old Testament. This fact alone merits its study.”
James Ferrell, “The Hidden Christ”

Four Keys to Understanding the Old Testament 
by Dr. Kerry Muhlestein
Follow Him Podcast

1. Recognize that the Old Testament is willing to record warts and all more than any other book of scripture. It is cultural that they are just going to lay it all out there.

2. Culturally they are much more symbol oriented than we are, so they are going to rely on symbols as their primary and most important way of communicating.

3. We need to look for the whole story. The Old Testament teaches more about God’s love and mercy than any other book of scripture.

4. Recognize the importance of the Abrahamic covenant. The covenant is the core central thematic element of the entire book.

Objectives for Our Class Study

1. The Book of Mormon 
2. Women
3. Christ

“The Bible, a product of a patriarchal society, is shaped by the concerns of the men of Israel who were involved in public life. As such, it is a public book, concerned with matters of government, law, ritual, and social behavior. But why, then, does this clearly androcentric text from a patriarchal society have so many stories that revolve around women? And why are there so many memorable women in the Bible? The sheer number of their stories demands an explanation: What are they doing here? Why were they written? Why were they included in this compact text?”

Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. Reading the Women of the Bible

“If everything given of God from the beginning bears record of Christ, then it follows that our understanding on any particular matter is incomplete until we see how it bears record of Christ. So of every scriptural element and story, we should ask, “How does this typify or bear record of the Savior?” When we ask this divine question of every element and story in the Old Testament, the scriptures come alive with redemptive meaning.”

Ferrell, James L.. The Hidden Christ: Beneath the Surface of the Old Testament

“Considerable controversy surrounds the Book of Abraham. Joseph Smith’s interpretations of the three facsimiles have come under scrutiny by Egyptologists, and in 1967 some fragments of the papyri once possessed by Joseph Smith were recovered and published. These papyri fragments were translated and found not to contain the Book of Abraham but Egyptian funerary texts known as the Book of Breathings and the Book of the Dead. The relationship between these papyri fragments and the Book of Abraham is a matter of ongoing study and debate.
Since at least the 1960s, Latter-day Saint scholars have explored the text of the Book of Abraham to see what clues might exist that situate it in a plausible ancient setting. They have also argued for the legitimacy of Joseph Smith’s interpretation of the facsimiles as Egyptological knowledge has progressed. These efforts, in conjunction with ongoing progress in the fields of Egyptology and Near Eastern archaeology, have uncovered numerous points of convergence between the text and the ancient world. Evidence for Joseph Smith’s interpretation of the facsimiles has also come to light. These various lines of evidence do not “prove” the Book of Abraham is true, but they do help us situate the text in a plausible ancient environment, inform how we read the text, and positively impact our evaluation of Joseph Smith’s claims to prophetic inspiration.”
Pearl of Great Price Central, https://www.pearlofgreatpricecentral.org/book-of-abraham/

by Dr. Kerry Muhlestein                                                                                                              Follow Him Podcast

1. There is always an order to spheres in the heavens. There is always something above and something below until you get to Kolob which is the highest.

2. Order is determined by how long a day is.

3. The slower the rotation or the longer the orbit, the higher the order.

4. Kolob is the highest because it has the slowest rotation (1 day = 1000 earth years) and is closest to God.

Friday, January 14, 2022

First Class

Hi All,

It's time! Class for this year will begin on Tuesday, January 18, 9:30-11, Old Gilbert building, Relief Society room. The address is 2424 N. Old Gilbert Rd, Mesa. We will be discussing Abraham 3 and Moses 1. 

Please call or email me if you have any questions. I'm looking forward to being with you again and learning together!

See you Tuesday!