We will begin class again sometime in October following October school break. I will keep the blog updated on starting dates and course of study. I hope you all have a wonderful summer as we move forward in uncertain times.
“True charity has been known only once. It is shown perfectly and purely in Christ’s unfailing, ultimate, and atoning love for us. It is Christ’s love for us that ‘suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not.’ It is his love for us that is not ‘puffedup...,noteasilyprovoked,thinkethnoevil.’ ItisChrist’sloveforusthat ‘beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.’ It is demonstrated in Christ that ‘charity never faileth.’ It is that charity—his pure love for us—without which we would be nothing, hopeless, of all men and women most miserable. Truly, those found possessed of the blessings of his love at the last day—the Atonement, the Resurrection, eternal life, eternal promise— surely it shall be well with them.”
Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 336-7
“Only charity never fails us. Only Jesus Christ the Healer is a sure foundation. Because they are the same.The most perfect form of love the universe has ever known is fully realized in the Christ of the Restoration. Encountering that reality is the sole means of anchoring our faith in the Restoration on unassailable foundations, moving us from fragile faith to the durable discipleship of love. Only truth that is hard won, dearly bought, and firmly grasped can nourish and sustain us through the crucible of life, of doubt, of loss. Like the philosopher’s stone of legend, the foundation we build in Christ can transmute the earthy elements of our poor selves into celestial material fit for glory if that foundation be laid in a correct understanding.We believe this is true for one simple reason. In that dramatic colloquy in the Tower with his daughter Meg, who complains, 'Haven’t you done as much as God can reasonably want?,’ Robert Bolt’s Thomas More explains, ‘Well finally, it isn’t a matter of reason. Finally, it’s a matter of love.’ Even to begin to know our Heavenly Parents and their Christ, through the prism of the restored gospel is inevitably and irresistibly to love them with a love that is healing, transformative, and redemptive."
Givens,Fiona.The Christ Who Heals: How God Restored The Truth That Saves Us .Deseret Book Company. Kindle Edition.
“The letter shocks the reader.Yet, that may well have been Moroni's intent. He offers no explanation as to why he included this letter in his writings. However, as it stands, it provides a striking contrast that enhances Moroni's invitation to come unto Christ.This is what Gerald N. Lund calls a scriptural foil: a technique used by scriptural writers who place ‘two contrasting principles or examples side by side to show even more clearly what they [are] trying to teach.’ Moroni chapters 9 and 10 together contain the last of several contrasts found in the Book of Mormon that illustrate one of its major themes: we are ‘free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil.’ Chapter 9 illustrates what happens when we choose ‘captivity and death’ through the power of Satan, while chapter 10 offers hope and encouragement to those who desire ‘liberty and eternal life through Christ.’”
Bruce K. Satterfield, https://archive.bookofmormoncentral.org/sites/default/files/archive-files/pdf/ satterfield/2015-12-10/21_bruce_k._satterfield_moroni_9-10_1995.pdf
“Moroni’s relation to his enemies is unusual, even for a prophet.We ought to wonder at his charity, but that charity is a model for what we should imitate in our own lives. It isn’t easy to do that. Anyone who has been humiliated or seriously hurt by another knows how difficult is forgiveness, the love that imitates Christ’s redeeming love. It may be that, except for Jesus Christ, we have no better model than Moroni.As we will see, Moroni takes that love to be the heart of the gospel.”
“Sealings and Mercies: Moroni's Final Exhortations in Moroni 10,”
Read Moroni 10:3-4
1. What does Moroni want the Lamanites (and all of us) to remember and ponder?
2. Why does he want readers to meditate on this topic?
3. Why is an understanding of this topic an essential preface to the exhortation of verse 4?
4. What are “these things” Moroni refers to when he says “ye shall receive these things” in verse 4? 5. Why is God referred to here as “the Eternal Father” rather than by one of His other titles?
6. What is Moroni teaching about the Savior by saying readers must ask “in the name of Christ?”
7. What does it mean to “know the truth of all things?”
For further understanding see Doctrine and Covenants 97:1-2. Meekness includes "seeking diligently to learn wisdom and to find truth."
“The point is for us to see God’s long-suffering mercies for his people.As we read scripture, do we see those mercies? As we read of those mercies, do we recognize them as a prototype for what happens in our own lives, or do we see instead only our failures? If the latter, then we implicitly use our own will and power as the measure for our lives and deny the mercy of God. Moroni exhorts—urgently appeals to—the Lamanites to stop looking at the world in terms of their own power and their own will, for if they do they will ultimately see only a record of failure and destruction. But if, instead, they see the mercies with which God has blessed their ancestors and them, they will understand their lives in a completely different way.They will see themselves as children of God rather than masters of their own fate.As children of God, they will experience the happiness brought through his mercy.”
“Clearly Moroni urges his readers to want to know that truth. But their ultimate intent, that on which their gaze should be fixed, is salvation, which is why they must have faith in Christ.The truth of the Book of Mormon may seem irrelevant if we are not concerned about our salvation, and our salvation is impossible if we do not have faith in Christ. So the Lamanites are told to ask God to tell them, in his mercy, whether the record is true, and they must do so with their whole being, with a gaze fixed on salvation and with faith in the mercy of their Savior, Jesus Christ.”
“Sealings and Mercies: Moroni's Final Exhortations in Moroni 10,” James E. Faulconer https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1509&context=jbms