Hello everyone. I hope you have had a spectacular summer with lots of exciting fun and learning. I know many of you have children back in school and are already in a "fall-time" schedule. Please include Institute in your schedule! We will be meet for the first time on Tuesday, October 15, 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Old Gilbert building, Relief Society room. Our course of study will be the second half of the Book of Mormon. I will post here the reading assignment as we get closer. I hope you will come and bring your friends. It is by learning together that we are led to see the world more clearly, love others more deeply and see the Divine with new eyes and understanding. I am reminded of a quote as I think about beginning a new year of learning:
"Find a group of people who challenge you and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and
it will change your life." Amy Poehler
How grateful I am for the ways our time together challenges and inspires me! See you October 15!