Tuesday, October 30, 2018

1 Nephi 8-15

November Reading Assignments

November   6   1 Nephi 16-18
November 13   1 Nephi 19-22
November 20   No class
November 27   2 Nephi 1-3

We began class by exploring why Nephi used Egyptian in his writing. For information:

“I Dreamed a Dream”

“This remarkably detailed vision of Christ’s ministry, from his birth and ministry and crucifixion in the Old World to his appearance and teachings in the New World to his role in the latter-day restoration of all things, is all the more impressive coming as it does in the first thirty pages of the Book of Mormon, a concise introduction to the reader of the book’s central purpose in declaring that Jesus is the Christ”  Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and The New Covenant, pg. 42.

“In harmony with biblical reports of symbolic dreams, the symbolism of the tree and its fruit is not explained to Lehi in his dream. In fact, during his own vision, Nephi indicated to the Spirit of the Lord that he wanted to understand the interpretation of the meaning of the tree. It may be hard to imagine that Lehi and Nephi did not initially understand what the tree and fruit and other symbols in Lehi’s dream represented. Presumably they discussed some possibilities. But the symbolic dream was a revelation from God, and as such it required a divine interpretation to accurately understand the message God intended to communicate. It was not wise to merely guess at what visual revelation was intended to convey. Similarly, the dreams given to Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar had come from God and their interpretations were dependent upon specific revelation from him.
Such biblical combination of dreams plus interpretation function as prophecy. Before Lehi and his family could fully appreciate this, Lehi’s dream needed an inspired, authoritative interpretation.
Complicating the issue of their understanding Lehi’s dream is the fact that many of the images in the dream report have multiple symbolic meanings. First Nephi, therefore, portrays Nephi authoritatively relating through his vision experience the one true interpretation of the tree and the other symbols in his father’s dream. Nephi’s report of his vision permanently establishes the interpretation of Lehi’s dream and its symbols such that those reading this account do not venture alternative views on the symbolism."      Dana M. Pike, “Lehi Dreamed a Dream: The Report of Lehi’s Dream in Its Biblical Context,” in The Things Which My Father Saw: Approaches to Lehi’s Dream and Nephi’s Vision (2011 Sperry Symposium), ed. Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn, and Stanley A. Johnson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 92–118.  rsc.byu.edu/archived/things-which-my-father-saw/6-lehi-dreamed-dream-report-lehis-dream-its-biblical-context

Group 1     1 Nephi 8: 21-23
Group 2     1 Nephi 8: 24-25, 28
Group 3     1 Nephi 8: 26-27
Group 4     1 Nephi 8:30

Read the above passages looking for what the group who stayed at the tree did differently than the other three groups.

Nephi's Vision

“How has Nephi come to this understanding? Clearly, the answer to his question about the meaning of the tree lies in the virgin mother and her child. It seems, in fact, that the virgin is the tree in some sense. Even the language used to describe her echoes that used for the tree. Just as she was ‘exceedingly fair and white,’ ‘most beautiful and fair above all other virgins,’ so was the tree’s beauty ‘far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow.’ Significantly, though, it was only when she appeared with a baby and was identified as ‘the mother of the Son of God’ that Nephi grasps the tree’s meaning.
Why would Nephi see a connection between a tree and the virginal mother of a divine child? I believe that Nephi’s vision reflects a meaning of the ‘sacred tree’ that is unique to the ancient Near East, and that, indeed, can only be fully appreciated when the ancient Canaanite and Israelite associations of that tree are borne in mind.”     Daniel C. Peterson, “Nephi and His Asherah,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9/2 (2000): 16–25.

For more information:

The following quotes are taken from:
Amy Easton-Flake, “Lehi’s Dream as a Template for Understanding Each Act of Nephi’s Vision,” in The Things Which My Father Saw: Approaches to Lehi’s Dream and Nephi’s Vision (2011 Sperry Symposium), ed. Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn, and Stanley A. Johnson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 179–98. rsc.byu.edu/archived/things-which-my-father-saw/10-lehis-dream-template-understanding-each-act-nephis-vision

“I employ a methodology of literary analysis in which I analyze Nephi’s authorial choices, the interactions between Nephi and his guides, the established narrative logic, and the repetition, overlapping, and conjoining words and images in 1 Nephi 11 through 14.
Such an analysis reveals that the connections between Lehi’s dream and Nephi’s vision do not cease after 1 Nephi 12, as most readers believe, but instead continue until the end of Nephi’s vision in 14. Close analysis of all of these chapters reveals that these chapters contain further interpretations of different aspects of Lehi’s dream played out in specific temporal and historical moments.” 

“Nephi is constantly helping the reader to understand and see connections between the acts of his vision and his father’s dream and revealing new layers of meaning for each of the symbols.”

Act 1      Christ’s Earthly Ministry (1 Nephi 11)
Act 2      The Nephites and the Lamanites in the Land of Promise (1 Nephi 12)
Act 3      The Gentiles and House of Israel in America (1 Nephi 13-14:6)
Act 4      Time before Christ’s Second Coming (1 Nephi 14:7-30) 

There is a basic pattern used by the angel to help Nephi understand the correct interpretation. “The angel shows Nephi a symbol followed by a vision sequence that is an interpretation of that symbol. Following this established logic of the vision, Nephi receives the specific interpretation of each of these symbols within the vision of Christ’s life.”

“Significantly, the world in the dream can only be reached by holding firm to the word of God, and Lehi is told that all those who come to this promised land ‘should be led out of other countries by the hand of the Lord’ (2 Nephi 1:5). Nephi sees the historical fulfillments of this prophecy in acts 1 and 3 of his vision. Recognizing that the rod of iron leads to a new world as well as the tree of life helps us understand how intimately connected to Lehi’s dream are acts 2, 3 and 4 of Nephi’s vision—in essence, they show what happens to individuals as they obtain and live in this new world.”

“Lehi’s dream teaches that only the iron rod, meaning the word of God, leads people to the the tree and the field; the Spirit of God performs this function in act 3 as he leads individuals out of captivity and to the New World. Worth noting is the manifestation of the word of God in each of its major forms over the course of this vision. In act 1 Jesus Christ embodies the word of God, here in act 3 the Holy Ghost becomes the iron rod that leads individuals to the New World and later in act 3 the scriptures hold the word of God that leads God’s children to Christ and eternal life. Consequently, Nephi’s vision also helps the reader understand the different ways God makes known his word and leads his children to eternal life.”

I invite you to read and study Amy Easton-Flake's analysis of this dream/vision experience. She will guide you to understand how closely Nephi's entire vision is tied to Lehi's dream.  Happy reading! 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

1 Nephi 8-15 Preparation

As you read for Tuesday's class please remember to note any questions or insights you gather. We will discuss them at the beginning of class.

We will also consider any patterns of revelation you discovered as you read.

Lehi's dream and Nephi's interpretation set the theological tone for all that follows in the Book of Mormon. I hope you will ponder their significance to Lehi's family then and our lives now and be ready to share your thoughts. Looking forward to our time together!


November  6     1 Nephi 16-18
November 13    1 Nephi 19-22
November 17    2 Nephi 1-3

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

1 Nephi 1-7

What a great discussion we had today. Thanks to all who attended! We explored Lehi's vision historically and culturally. Lehi is one of the great prophets of God prepared in every way to deliver his message. His call as a prophet gives a foundation of divine authority, revelation, and guidance for everything that follows his posterity throughout the Book of Mormon. 

The following quotes are taken from: 
John W. Welch, Religious Studies, The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, the Doctrinal Foundation

“Despite the fact that the text reporting the call of Lehi is very brief, it employs several key words and images that were full of tradition and conveyed much meaning in the world in which Lehi lived. By understanding the significance of these ancient words and phrases, modern readers can appreciate many interesting aspects of Lehi’s prophetic call. Especially important is Lehi’s vision in which he sees God “sitting upon his throne, surrounded by numberless concourses of angels.” It appears that by this experience, which compares closely with the so-called ‘council visions’ of the Old Testament prophets, Lehi became a prophet.”

Following is the list of words John Welch presents as a means of understanding Lehi's prophetic call.
Many prophets
A pillar of fire
He thought he saw God sitting upon His throne surrounded with numberless concourses of angels
One descending
He truly testified
The mysteries

Prayed—by praying “he was in harmony with the spirit of classical Herbrew prophecy. Such attempts by the prophets to try through prayer to offset the impending doom of their people as a whole community have been identified as one of the notable functions of the classic prophets during the time of Lehi.”

A pillar of fire—“From an ancient source, one learns that the appearance of fire, especially a pillar of fire, was a frequent mode of heavenly manifestation, sometimes of God and other times of his messengers or of the holy beings who surrounded him.”

He thought he saw God sitting upon His throne surrounded by numberless concourses of angels— “Three main elements common to most accounts of such council visions in the Bible have been identified. They are, first, that God was described as surrounded by his numerous host; second, that the discussion of the council was brought to a conclusion by a council leader; and third, that the word of God was then stated to determine the fate of a person or group. The messenger was expected to deliver “the identical words he received from the council.”

Angels—“It appears that the host was typically viewed in antiquity as serving three functions, namely, praising God, delivering the decrees of the council, and accompanying God in battle.”
It is possible that the twelve whom Lehi saw were coming forth to take their battle stations or warning posts, imminently prepared to execute judgment upon Jerusalem, but there is not express indication in 1 Nephi who these twelve were or what they did.”

One descending—“Lehi’s exclamation ‘unto the Lord’ at the conclusion of his vision, extolling the highness of this throne should be understood as having been made in a direct personal statement to that God, Christ himself, as he stood right before Lehi.”

Book—“The fact that Lehi was handed a written decree may reflect the contemporary league and political practices of his day. During Lehi’s day, written edicts under the Assyrian practice had become the standard legal mode of issuing proclamations, and prophets were more concerned with writing, and thus the authoritativeness of Lehi’s words in the minds of his listeners was probably enhanced by the fact that he could report that he had read these words in a written decree.”

He truly testified—“Lehi had little choice but to speak out, in the sense that he, like the other prophets of God, was impelled and constrained by the Spirit. If he spoke like other prophets of his day, Lehi’s testimony was punctuated with blunt declarative statements, offering no excuses, rationales, theological justifications, or explanations.”

The mysteries—“The Hebrew word sod basically means ‘council,’ but by association it also came to mean the ‘decree of the council’ itself. Because the council and its actions were not open to the general public, they were thought of as being very confidential, esoteric, or secret, also ‘conveying the notion of intimate friendship.’ Hence, the word sod can also be translated as ‘mystery.’ So it would appear that Lehi had attained access on this occasion to the ‘mysteries’ of God.”

We explored what Nephi must have meant when he said he was "highly favored of God." There are many scriptures to enlighten our understanding.  Also, the companion phrase "whom he hath chosen" can be helpful. 

“The dictionary indicates that chosen suggests one who is selected, taken by preference, or picked out. It also can be used to refer to the elect or chosen of God. To be or to become chosen is not an exclusive status conferred upon us. Rather, you and I ultimately determine if we are chosen. Please note the use of the word chosen in the Doctrine and Covenants.” 
“I believe the implication of these verses is quite straightforward. God does not have a list of favorites to which we must hope our names will someday be added. He does not limit ‘the chosen' to a restricted few. Rather, it is our hearts and our aspirations and our obedience which definitely determine whether we are counted as one of God’s chosen.” David A. Bendar, General Conference, April 2007

What does it mean to be favored of God? Isn't it the essence of this life? Enjoying His teachings. Feeling of His goodness. Witnessing His tender mercies. Responding to His call. Finding relief in His forgiveness. And ultimately being healed by His atoning sacrifice. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Thoughts to Consider - 1 Nephi 1-7

As a reminder, we will discuss any questions or insights you discovered while you studied this week.

Also, please look for passages which teach us the process of revelation. We will discuss what you find in class on Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Class Structure, Course of Study, October Reading, Study Aids

  • Tuesday mornings—October 16, 2018 through May 14, 2019
  • No class November 20, December 25, January 1 and March 13
  • 5 minute read/ponder period or 5-10 minute question and comment period at beginning of class 
  • Class information can be found on the class blog—seekthecovenantpath.blogspot.com
  • Reading assignments will loosely follow the Book of Mormon Institute manual
  • Reading schedule will be posted on the blog one month at a time
  • Information shared in class, as well as some discussion points, will be posted on the blog following class
  • My contact information—debratolman75@gmail.com
  • First half of the Book of Mormon
  • Ancient Jewish law, customs, culture, language, etc.
  • Evidence supporting the Book of Mormon
  • Discussion format—please read and study so you are prepared to share your insights in class
  • October 23—1 Nephi 1-7
  • October 30—1 Nephi 8-15

Vision and Blessing

President Kerr, our Stake President, set the pattern for learning and the vision for our time together. Following are a few of his remarks:

"The members of the Hermosa Vista Stake need to be tied to the Book of Mormon every single day of our lives.

The general principle guiding us is home centered and church supported. This class will bless you the most if you treat it as individual centered and class supported. We come prepared; we come with questions; we come ready to share. 

Through study, try to develop:
  1. A deeper love and appreciation for the Book of Mormon.
  2. A better understanding of the process of receiving revelation.
  3. A deep love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
This book will help us to know Him not only as Jehovah and our Savior Jesus Christ, but also as our friend, our confidant, our coach, who has coached us up and inspired us to do things we never thought possible in our lives. Seek that greater relationship. The pattern for seeking that relationship is found in the Book of Mormon. 

I bless you and promise you that as you seek Him out and study His word and as you pattern your life after His true, divine character, you will have special experiences with the Spirit that will confirm to you both His reality and His divinity."

What a blessing it was to have him join us today. How grateful I am for his vision and leadership. I hope you will take to heart his requests and his promises, whether you live in our stake or are joining us from other places.  As we all work to prepare as President Kerr has asked, many, many lives will be blessed and changed. Every voice matters!

Often times, we hear someone say, "I know the Book of Mormon is true." What is more uncommon is to hear someone say why they know it is true. Certainly, most of us will say we know because we have received a revelatory answer of its truthfulness. Personal revelation is a valid reason to know something is true and, in this case, it is the most important reason. There are, however, many evidences that the Book of Mormon is what it claims to be--an ancient text, written by ancient prophets as directed by God. Evidence exists independent of the text embedded within the text itself. It is a worthy effort to seek out the evidence as a means of expanding our understanding of and appreciation for this remarkable work. Elder Jefrey R. Holland, at BYU in August of 2017, said this:

“Truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart.”

As we study together, let us seek a greater understanding of what the Book says about itself and develop a deeper appreciation for the authors who risked much to do the work God required. Following is a link to a video that helps us begin to expand our understanding of the complexity and the beauty of the structure of the Book of Mormon.

This is an exiting time to study the Book of Mormon! My greatest hope for all of us is to develop greater understanding, appreciation and love for this Book that drives our faith, enlivens our hope, and motivates our dependence on our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 5, 2018


Welcome! I'm glad you are here. My name is Deb Tolman, and I will be facilitating our discussions and posting here. We are a group of seekers of truth and His will for each of us. This year begins our journey together through the study of the Book of Mormon. I will post a study schedule, notes from class, and other information regarding our time together. We invite all to join with us! We meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at the church located at 2424 N. Old Gilbert Road, Mesa, Arizona. Our first class is October 16, 2018. If you cannot join us, please follow along here. There is much to learn, and every voice is important.