It may be that Moroni’s offering of Mormon’s address on faith, hope, and charity—what we now call chapter 7— constitutes Moroni’s finest gift to his readers. In his characteristically modest willingness to cede space to Mormon, Moroni brings forth one of the records most important moments of theological reflection.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg. 60
The nature of the source defines the essence of the output regardless of appearances. This is a challenging notion, but Mormon’s language seems unrelenting on the matter.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg . 63
If a bitter fountain can never bring forth good water, how can that fountain ever change its ways? If an act by a corrupt heart counts for nothing—including even the act of prayer—what can that heart ever do to alter its own character? If an entity cannot produce anything other than what it already is, it is eternally stuck. What, then, can a sinner do to pursue salvation?
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg.64
If we do not fully confront the necessarily unbreakable bars of the prison cell that is our own character, we cannot fully recognize the abundant gift of the Brother whose blood has set us free. Mormon wants us to understand that gift and the freedom it facilitates.
To put this another way, Jesus gives us both the power to choose and the ability to choose well, the capacity to see at all and the light by which to see it all.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg. 67
Why would a sermon that begins with the immovable problem of impure hearts and ends with the irresistible promise of pure love be preoccupied in the middle with miracles?
The divine act that has enabled us to choose and change is actually a more inexplicable wonder than the moving of the mountains or the parting of seas. When we appreciate the existential miracle involved in the former we will see both the necessity and the possibility of believing in miracles like the latter. When we understand that we carry within us a witness of Christ’s power to overcome the fetters of logical constraint, we may come to understand more thoroughly that God is ready and willing to work any other necessary marvel in our lives. And to lose faith in one is to undermine the other.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg. 70
In seeing agency as a gift, I can better recognize its divine diversity of forms; I will be both more appreciative of what other human beings can do and more patient with what they cannot do. (Maybe that is why Mormon said that the telltale characteristic of those who understand the doctrine of Christ is their peaceable walk with the rest of humanity.) Through this theological lens, each soul’s endowment of agency—its lengths and its limits—begins to look very personalized, just as one would expect from gifts of a thoughtful giver.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg.72
I sometimes regret the fact that we use the word "faith" in religious discussions.
Why? Because I think it's become a technical term that obscures for many what should be and is a very simple concept. This has created serious controversies and unnecessary misunderstandings. The Greek word "pistis," which English Bibles typically render as "faith," also means "confidence" or "trust," and these ordinary, everyday terms convey very neatly what scriptural faith entails.
The first readers of the New Testament didn't have to ask what "pistis" meant. Paul hadn't invented the word. They knew it already; it had been common in Greek for centuries. And in the standard English lexicon of classical Greek, the first definition of "pistis" is "trust in others."
While theological factions might argue-and, in fact, have argued-for decades over the definition of "faith," we all have a reasonably clear idea of what it means to have "trust" in someone.
When the Greek New Testament was translated into Latin, "pistis" was rendered as "fides," which again meant "trust" or "confidence." Our English word "faith" comes from the Latin "fides," but today we tend to think of "faith" as "belief in something without proof," and, often, more as agreement with a set of propositions than as trust in a person.
But God is a person, and saving faith - although it surely entails agreeing with certain propositions - is trust in him, as a person, to love us and to keep his promises to us.
Daniel Peterson
We can be of little use to those who have been dragged into the darkness until we have resolutely faced the actual evil of which our species is capable.
We cannot be healers if we shield our eyes from the wounds.
David F. Holland, Moroni, a Brief Theological Introduction, pg. 93
1. remember God’s mercies (vs. 3)
2. ask God for a witness (vs. 4)
3. not deny God’s power (vs. 7)
4. not deny God’s gifts (vs. 8)
5. remember the source of every good gift (vs. 18)
6. remember that God is unchanging (vs. 19)
7. remember his words (vs. 27)
8. come unto Christ [and lay hold of every good gift] (vs. 30)
Grant Hardy, Annotated Book of Mormon